Lexan Spray FLUO RED 150ml
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pGive your RC Car your own individual look and style. With the new ABSIMA PAINTZ colors you have the opportunity now.p
p Ready to use, quick drying, fuel resitant light weight paint for racing, If wished for up-to 15 gr less weight on a 110 scale race body, compard to pre-painted or water based coloured bodies lower cenre of gravity.p
p28 different colors are available. Each can contains 150ml highly opaque color.p
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Number of Customer reviews: 1br
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pItem reviewsp
pT. Goschanonymousp
pTop Farbep
pReview from 26.03.2018Verified purchasebr
2 Karos lackiert. Hält super, Farbe schön knallig, wenn man diese mit weißer Farbe hinterlegt!p
pUsefulNot usefulp